Kisco Steel: Is Your Steel Certified For Hydrogen Embrittlement?


The makers of pipelines and pressure vessels more often require HIC resistant steel.

In order to evaluate the resistance to hydrogen induced cracks of pipelines and pressure vessels steels, the standard test needs to be conducted in accordance with NACE TM0284, which KISCO has conducted on our steel samples from a reputed laboratory and the test results found to be satisfactory and well within the requirements.

Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC) also referred to as hydrogen stress cracking or static fatigue is a typical form of hydrogen embrittlement. It is associated with absorption of hydrogen and a delayed time to failure (incubation time) during which hydrogen diffuses into the region of triaxial stress. The sulphide inclusions are known to affect HIC. The interface between the inclusions and the steel matrix provide sinks (microvoids) in which hydrogen present in the steel may be trapped and hydrostatic pressure may build up.

Achievement of good HIC resistant steel requires desulphurisation to low levels with proper inclusion modifications as part of the secondary refining process. Our LRF-VD route clean steel is good enough for high resistance to HIC.

This content was first published on the Kisco Steel website.


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