heimatec.Capto ™ increases the efficiency of set-up and changing times of turning and machining centers


With heimatec.Capto ™, heimatec has a modular quick-change tool system in its product range that significantly increases the efficiency of set-up and change times. heimatec.Capto ™ is extremely flexible and offers wide modularity and high availability of interchangeable inserts for lathes and machining centers.

Coromant Capto® is an internationally widely used, modular quick-change tool system that can be used in all types of machines. A particular advantage is the significant reduction in set-up and changing times while at the same time providing a high level of tool flexibility.

With heimatec.Capto ™, heimatec has expanded its range of modular quick-change tool systems. In addition to a wide range of standard tools with Capto holders, the heimatec.Capto ™ program also offers a large number of specific tool holders that are machine-optimized.

The modular quick-change system heimatec.Capto ™ is characterized by a compact design with a short overhang, which means that high cutting speeds can be achieved and the best surface quality can be achieved at the same time. The heimatec.Capto ™ quick-change tool system is available for the Capto sizes C3, C4, C5, C6, and C8.

heimatec has specialized in the development, manufacture, and sale of high-precision static and driven tools for lathes and machining centers for 30 years. The entire range of tools includes around 30,000 products. heimatec is one of the international technology and quality leaders for precision tools. heimatec, headquartered in Renchen, Germany, has its own subsidiaries in the USA, India, and Taiwan and has a worldwide network of trading partners.
This content was originally published on the Heimatech website.
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