Turning Grade for High Temperature Alloys


High-PIMS coating technology is characterized by:

  • Smooth coating surface.
  • Optimum layer adhesion, especially on sharp cutting edges.
  • High depth-of-cut notching resistance.
  • Long tool life, and high process reliability.

Applied on an extremely hard and wear-resistant ultrafine-grain carbide substrate, the KCS10B grade is ideal for medium machining and finishing operations.

The AlTiN PVD coating is ideal for iron-based alloys (S1), cobalt-based alloys (S2), and nickel-based alloys (S3).

The New KCS10B coating provides easy wear identification.

The shown wear pattern indicates the end of tool life is near.
An extremely smooth coating surface, reducing friction, providing longer tool life, increasing process reliability.

The new KCS10B turning grade,  featuring the new High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering  (High-PIMS) is ideal for iron-based alloys (S1), cobalt-based alloys (S2), and nickel-based alloys (S3).

Turning Grade for High-Temperature Alloys

Less built-up edge.
Excellent coating adhesion, especially on sharp cutting edges.
High depth-of-cut notching resistance

New High-PIMS PVD coating reduces friction, providing longer tool life.

New High-PIMS PVD coating provides excellent surface qualities and excellent dimensional accuracy.

Beating Wear

Depth-of-cut notching and crater wear are far more manageable thanks to the super-smooth coating and special edge-prep of inserts coated with KCS10B.

Metals such as Inconel 718 and Stellite 31 are notorious for causing rapid wear and unpredictable tool life, KCS10B is proven to reduce DOC notching and extend tool life from 3 minutes to upwards of 5 minutes in roughing operations. Tool life in finishing operations fares even better, with visible cratering and subsequent tool failure often delayed by a factor of two or three compared to competitive brands.
Positive and negative rake inserts are available, as well as various chip formers, edge preparations, and geometries making KCS10B the ideal solution when turning iron-based (S1), cobalt-based (S2), or nickel-based (S3) alloys.

This content was originally published on the Kennametal website.

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