MachAuto Expo


Date- 19-22 February 2021

Venue: Glada Ground, Ludhiana, India

“Machine Tool and Automation Technology Exhibition”

MachAuto Expo is an automobile event aimed at promoting the automotive industry. The event aims to support the Make in India campaign and ensures setting up automotive industries from raw products to manufacturing products in India. The event focuses on endorsing brand new and innovative cars and accessories related to the automotive industries. Exhibitors from all across the world gather around and display their innovative designs of cars and vehicles based on the latest trends and technologies. The event enables automobile industries and endorses their products and services among potential clients. The event also includes auto-related video games, videos, and other automobile industry products. The event is a must-attend for anyone who enjoys purchasing the latest cars and sports cars, accessories, and products.

To know more, please check MachAuto Expo.

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