Kisco Steel: Guide to categorise Alloy Steel


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Alloy steel in brief means that it has added elements like Cr, Ni, Mo, Si, Mn etc that improve properties such as strength, durability, impact and versatility. There are thousands of alloys of steel as per various international standards ranging from IS, ASTM, SAE, JIS, GOST etc.

At Kisco you can find them all, moreover, as per YOUR requirements.

Here is your guide to how to broadly categorise alloy steel –


Alloy steel differs by grade. Grade is a name or a recognition given to steel due to this different chemical composition. As the chemical composition changes, the grade changes. The grade can tell you the steelmaking process, main alloying elements, and other properties as well.


The standards define the nomenclature of the grade, they are different for different countries. For example, IS is Indian, ASTM is American, DIN is German , JIS is Japanese, GOST is Russian , SAE is for Automotives etc.

Supply Conditions

Supply conditions refer to the processing and the various conditions of supplying the same steel grade and size. Processing like hot rolled or hot forged, the heat treatment is either annealed, normalized or quenched and tempered, cut to length or standard length etc. The supply conditions can affect the price of the steel significantly even upto 100%, hence defining the most optimum condition helps keep costs and pricing low.

This content was first published on the Kisco Steel website.

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