Ace Micromatic: Upgrading ROI through CNC Machine Upgrades


High prices for new large and medium-size CNC machines make it difficult for end-users to reap the benefits of CNC technology. One of the solutions can be through upgrades.

The method involves the addition of new systems or features to enhance the capability of an existing machine tool. The purpose of upgrades and retro fitment is to bring older or existing models up to ideal production goals.


A shop floor consists of heavily invested in machine tools, sometimes large in number which cannot be discarded once productions goals are not matched.

Upgradation includes replacement or repairing defective parts to bring back original accuracy. This leads to lower downtime, higher machine accuracy, which can increase machine availability by more than 15%.

By introducing upgrades like servo drives, hydraulically operated tall stock, automatic tool turret selection of tool, modified numeric CNC controller the speed and feed are performed automatically according to instructions given in the program. With these upgrades, there is a significant increase in cycle time. Additionally, worker fatigue will be reduced which increases the efficiency of processes.

The results obtained have proved that retrofitting is a very cost-effective method for enhancing productivity, availability, and improving performance levels. With the suitable and economical application of automation, value addition takes place and takes the performance of retrofitted machines becomes further better.

In the case of customized retrofit, here maximum re-use of existing equipment is done and is therefore comparatively more cost-effective than a brand-new installation. Since retro fitment can be done in segments, service disruption can be reduced.

Upgrades to power systems with the latest available breaker and control technology, accelerating functionality along with reliability and safety.

Ultimately, upgrades and retro fitment result in a better return on investment through economical options that get better results from existing machines.

All AceMicromatic machines are available with a host of options and accessories to cater to the various needs of the customers. Oftentimes, additional options or features may not be relevant for all the customers at the time of purchase of machines but become needed at a later point in the machine’s life-cycle.

With this offering, we help customers upgrade and/or incorporate additional features to their machines at any point of their life-cycle, this can be a very economical option to customers who can simply upgrade their machine to suit their requirements rather than invest in new machinery. This can also help extend the life of the machine.

Upgrades offered:

  • CNC Control system
  • CNC Control system
  • Accessories & additional feature such as
  • Optional feature
  • CNC Accessories

Retro fitment

Equipped with the right Skill set and capability we offer our customers an option to retrofit enhancements to their existing or new machinery to improve its capability, efficiency, output and overall value to customers.

Retro fitment options as listed below:

  • PLC’s controls for conventional logic controls
  • Electrical cabinets
  • CNC Accessories such as Turret, ATC’s, Power cables, Cylinders, Index tables, Rotary table etc.
  • Auto doors, part catcher, Light curtain etc.

This content was originally published on the Ace Micromatic website.

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