Stratasys: Real life designs with Adobe Substance 3D + Stratasys J55™ Prime 3D printer


For packaging designers, the value of quickly innovating designs while being able to hold, test, and validate design concepts before they’re on the shelves, is paramount. Stratasys recently collaborated with the Adobe Substance team to demonstrate how 3D iterations can be printed from 2D designs, without endless design time and budgets. The process began with 2D designs in Illustrator which were used to create a line of 3D cosmetics packaging, going from Substance to Printed Packaging Prototypes in just a few hours.

Until now, creating full-color models was only feasible as a last step in the process – too often with more mistakes than design iterations! Traditional prototyping methods are too slow for consumer products packaging and merchandising environments. The industry is so fast-paced today that designers need to evaluate for appeal early on before hitting the shelves. So Stratasys designed the J55™ Prime 3D Printer, which allows product designers and engineers to print and test their prototypes in-house, multiple times throughout the entire design process.  By waiting to make only one prototype at the end of the design process, it’s often too late to make changes in order to meet time-to-market deadlines.

Stratasys J55™ Prime 3D Printer offers a solution for product designers and engineers to take their packaging designs to the next level by turning photorealistic renders into realistic 3D printed models. This project successfully brings together the capabilities of both Adobe Substance and Stratasys 3D printers, enabling fast print of exactly what’s on screen. Click here to see a best practice tutorial.

Paper pouch adobe

Stratasys continues to enable product designers to test their prototypes instantly by making full color material finish prototyping more accessible and expediting the entire design process. Designers can now bring their packaging designs to life in an instant. Check out the multi-material capabilities of the Stratasys J55 3D printer and how it can impact your product designs, or visit

Detox shampoo adobe

This content was originally published on the Stratasys website.

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