Open Platform Challenge: The KUKA Innovation Award 2023 is breaking new ground


Get started immediately, even if you don’t have much specialist knowledge: The next round of the KUKA Innovation Award is all about easy operation and maximum flexibility. For the first time, the robotics competition, which is worth €20,000, will be based on the new KUKA robot operating system and associated ecosystem – and thus offers creative minds completely new opportunities.


Many tasks in small and medium-sized companies are not yet automated. How can engineering, setup and programming be simplified? The KUKA Innovation Award 2023 deals with this topic .

Creative minds from the robotics community are invited to submit their ideas and concepts under the motto ” Open Platform Challenge “. The goal: End users should be able to automate tasks quickly and safely without being experts in the field of automation themselves.

dr  Christina Wagner

 With our new operating and ecosystem iiQKA, robotics becomes intuitive and available to everyone. As a result, more people than ever before are able to take advantage of the tremendous benefits of automation. iiQKA offers the perfect basis for implementing completely new and highly flexible ideas for production – and is therefore ideal for our Innovation Award.

dr Kristina Wagner, Vice President Technology and Innovation Center & Director iiQKA

iiQKA offers open interfaces, intuitive operation and makes it much easier to implement your own hardware and software extensions on a KUKA robot than before.

In order to turn their ideas into reality, KUKA provides the finalists with the sensitive LBR iisy cobot free of charge for the duration of the competition, including free training and coaching during the competition.

The final will take place in 2023 at an industrial trade fair , where the finalists will present their concepts to a broad specialist audience, make contacts and exchange ideas.

This content was first published on the Kuka website.

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