5 Ways SaaS Can Benefit Your CPG Operations

Manufacturers and machine builders are unlocking the value of cloud and edge based SaaS.


Meeting you where you are at, to get you where you want to go

Consumer packaged goods, like most industries, is undergoing a tremendous digital shift. To keep up with demand, manufacturers and machine builders are constantly being asked to do more with less – and of course, improve margins in the process. While this is not an easy feat, digital investments are worth making and offer greater returns in the long run. And partnering with the right solutions provider to implement scalable and secure technology can help maximize resources while progressing on your digital transformation journey. In the last five years, there has been a rise in Software as a Services (SaaS) as well as a push for processing data closer to the source which generates it, known as edge computing – and both for good reason. Whether your organization is big or small, let’s discuss five ways adopting edge and cloud SaaS solutions can benefit your CPG operations.

1. Provide access anywhere
Global events and digitalization have changed the way we work. Remote work options have become popular across many sectors and that is not expected to change any time soon. Change we are seeing though, is an increasing need for more effective connection between technology and workers from different areas of the world. Cloud or centralized edge managed SaaS provides access to production systems from any device with as little as a solid internet connection. Eliminating the need for clunky workstations or on-site connection, your workers are able to access the software and systems they work in from anywhere. Now, when an emergency occurs, it can be solved on or offsite; further reducing costs and avoiding/minimizing downtime.

2. Strengthen collaboration
With an increase of remote work and tightening resources many manufacturers face, collaboration between locations, partners and employees is a necessity. SaaS allows you to deploy the most up-to-date software which can become a single source of truth for your organization. With better access to more accurate data, productivity increases and problem resolution speeds up. SaaS-enabled collaboration also accelerates innovation by offering your teams a way to more efficiently access systems to design and test solutions, while reducing the need for onsite meetings and costly local software / hardware.

3. Scale as needed
Whether you are running a small batch facility or a multi-plant operation, transformative SaaS technology can be tailored to fit your business. Most SaaS solutions allow you to start with just a few users and increase applications when the time is right. As you fully realize the capabilities of SaaS, you will also see CAPEX and maintenance savings, as dependency on IT for installation and maintenance will reduce – permitting your infrastructure to grow, cost effectively, as you do.

4. Boost performance

In addition to providing better access to software and systems, SaaS enables you to get more from the data you already have. Employees and partners will benefit from always up-to-date software with the reliability and massive computing scale needed for even the most complex projects. The ability to access historical data is helpful but is not able to support rapid issue mitigation or enable data-driven decision making. With an edge infrastructure, data can be more readily accessed and equip your team for real-time decision making needed in today’s fast paced manufacturing environment.  

5. Support security
One of the most important advantages and key differentiators of SaaS is the security support it provides. As many companies become laser-focused on mitigating cybersecurity risks and protecting their data, it is crucial that your software is held to the same standard. With a SaaS-enabled organization, you can benefit from the following.

  • Single version software to be maintained
  • End-to-end encryption
  • Role- and policy-based access control
  • Authentication for access management

How to get thereWith the adaptability and cost-effective options of SaaS offerings, unlocking value is easier now more than ever. As labor challenges and skyrocketing demand continue to face manufacturers, the need to better equip and more securely support workers around the world will only increase. While we have only discussed just a few ways SaaS can benefit your operations, there are many more to discover. 

This content was first published on the Rockwell Automation website.


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